Installation Guide for CRM PRO

This setup guide is for setting up the CRM PRO application in a local computer setup and for any cloud hosting like Shared Hosting (cPanel), VPS Dime, AWS, GCP, AZURE, DigitalOcean, Heroku, Netlify, Vercel, Render, etc.

The setup process varies with different Operating System and hosting providers but the basic steps are the same. So the Local computer and cPanel setup will help to set up the application on any other hosting or Operating System.

Minimum Requirements

  • 64 bit Operating System
  • 2GB RAM
  • 10GB HDD/SDD
  • 1 Core CPU

Hosing Providers

  1. cPanel
  2. AWS
  3. GCP
  4. Azure
  5. VPSDime
  6. Digital ocean

Installation guide for different system

Please email us if you need any help regarding installation or any kind of Query. We will assist you as soon as possible. In most cases we reply within 24 hours. Customer satisfaction is the most important thing we care about.

Website: (opens in a new tab)